Monday, August 2, 2010

Anybody Out there??

I know i have a few readers *wink wink, i see you*. I just wonder if this really reaches anybody. Can anyone relate or am I just mindlessly jabbering on the internet to myself. I really wanted this blog to help make a difference or provide some awareness to others who maybe did not know what Plagio is. I know that I never knew what it was and I am someone who heavily researches everything. When we were TTC I pretty much knew everything that could happen or would happen with Nolan. This was one of the few things I was not warned of. Anyways, not much is going on with us today. He is napping terribly again today. It is another one of those clingy days. Im just praying i have an ounce left to make it throught today. I am not feeling well and the stress is getting the best of me. Well im off to start his therapy routine again. Enjoy this monday!


  1. I just stumbled upon your blog through someone elses. My little Jeremy was born on Feb 12, 2010 and suffered from tortecollis and as a result has plagio and a bit of brachio as well. My Dr said it was mild and will manage to go on it's own. What if it doesn't and we lose all this time that we could be doing something? I live in Canada so I don't even know where to start looking. Your blog helped me tonight. I'm not alone in this.

  2. I'm here Stacy! While I can't relate to the plagio issues I certainly know the effects of stress on your body. Please try to take care of yourself and demand a little more from Nick.

  3. I just found your blog and was glad to come across this. My son has a mild case of plagio and we were told that if the position therapy hasnt shown dramatic improvment by his 4 month check up that we would be getting a helmet. well, thsi Friday is his 4 month check and I just know its going to happen. I hate this for my little man and Im glad to knwo that there are other moms going thru the same feelings !
