Tuesday, July 20, 2010

No measurements

It occurred to me late last night that they may remeasure his head to see if there was any progress. Unfortunately they did not. They adjusted a few hot spots in his helmet and adjusted the sides by his ear. We go back in 2 weeks and she said they will definately measure then. I look forward to that. He is still adjusting okay to the helmet. I told her how he tries to push it up which is normal of course. Today he has been super fussy and cranky and rubbing the helmet by his ear. So tonight when we removed it he still rubbed his ear. I am going to monitor it for an ear infection but also today at the doctor she noticed dry patches on that same ear so i wonder if he is bothered by that. We did put some lotion on it but then of course have to wipe it off before the helmet goes back on. Other then that today was uneventful.

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