Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This is the best way to explain Nolan and myself. He has slept so much today which really helped me get some things done around here that I really needed to. Last night, he fell asleep on our bed and then he woke up and we were taking pictures of him because he was being so cheesy! This was during his one hour of time off from the helmet.

Everytime the helmet comes off it is as though I see a new baby. I took a photograph of the back of his head and I can notice a difference. I wish i would have taken the same kind of side shot when he was diagnosed but I was so overwhelmed with the diagnosis that i did not think of it until 3 days after he had the helmet. I am by no means saying he is 100 percent better i just notice a slight change. Plus since he lost all of the red hair he was born with (sad moment), it is really easy to tell since some of the hair is missing now. He is now a dishwater blonde boy. I wish he would have kept that color he got from mommy :) I wanted a redhead so bad since I am one. He was definately born with it but when hair loss kicked in a month later this other color came in. Oh well such is life.

So he has been doing well today and isn't comfortable in the helmet but he must understand its a part of his life now because he has stopped crying when we put it on. On occasion he may cry a bit if he is tired or if we have it angled wrong but that is few and far between. Hope everyone had a great day.

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